Welcome to Firehead.org. This is a personal domain name mainly used just for email for a couple of folks. It used to have a website from when it started until about 2009 or so, then it did not for about 15 years. Now in mid-March 2024 it is getting at least a front page again, because certain organizations (ahem) use "does the domain have a website?" as part of their human-directed fraud detection mechanisms. What a terrible place the world has become in recent years, eh?
In case you're wondering, even though you may not have seen this domain name before, it is not some Johnny-come-lately connivance. As you can easily verify by checking any public WHOIS service, this domain has been continously registered (and in continuous use) since the LAST MILLENNIUM:
If you have seen a funny-looking email address, such as j-fog.3119.9673.5611@x.firehead.org, either filled out in an order form, or you received or sent an email to such an address, then it is probably one of the hundreds of legitimate random-numbered aliases which we use as part of our own spam-prevention-and-shutoff techniques. If you're not sure whether it is legit, try sending an email to it. If the address is NOT one of our enabled aliases, your email should immediately bounce back to you. If it did not bounce, then it's a real, legitimate alias email. Thanks.
HTML lovingly crafted by hand, in emacs. Cookie free. Javascript free (may God have mercy on Brendan Eich's soul).